Today is a pretty great day...Spire turns 2 today!! I still have days that I can't believe I am doing this! I own a business?? Crazy!! When I was little, I used to play "business" all the time. I owned a flower shop, a bridal dress shop, a jewelry store, a name it, I owned it! I made a computer out of a box, and used a plastic play phone with a crazy ring. I loved playing "business" and dreamt of the day when I could own a real business. I am very lucky that I am getting to live my dream. I own a business, and get to do what I love, design.
Starting a business was one of the scariest things I have ever done. I still remember the night we decided to do it. My hubby and I were sitting at a restaurant and neither one of us could come up with a reason why I shouldn't do it. The time was right, I was ready, it was the time to do it. I had talked about it since the day I graduated from college. So, on June 18th 2007, Spire Design Group was born!
There were so many details and things to get done to actually become a real business. Like getting cute file folders, and fun pens to write with! But seriously, it was hard work and I lost many nights of sleep. But, I have never looked back. It has been rewarding and challenging and just plain fun! How could I not love being the boss??
I want to thank my husband for pushing me to go for my dream. Without him, I might not have ever done it. He has supported and loved me every step of the way...even when I was in tears about doing my taxes! He has been my accountant, my IT guy, my website and business card designer and at times my design consultant. He is just the best!
I also want to thank my family. They have supported and loved me and kept me sane. They let me live my crazy dreams and helped me to grow into the person I am today.
And, I couldn't have done any of this without my assistant...Oliver. When he actually shows up for work, and stays awake, he is a great employee!!
And thank you to all of my past, current and future clients. My goal is to help bring your visions to life and to create a space that is beautiful and livable.
Happy Birthday Spire Design Group!!!! Who knows where the next 2 years will take us!!